
PlayStation 4 Slim Hard Drive Replacement

Place your replacement hard drive or solid-state drive into the caddy. Make sure the drive is upside with the connector's golden pins facing up like so.

How to Upgrade or Replace Your PS4 and PS4 Pro Hard Drive

To change the install location to a external hard drive or USB storage, go to Settings > Storage and hit the Options button. There you can select App Install ...

No PS5? How to Upgrade Your PS4 Hard Drive to an SSD for Faster ...

Unscrew the four screws holding the drive in place and replace it with your SSD. Once you have put your SSD into the console, close it all up and plug it back ...

PS4: Upgrade HDD (US)

This article explains how to upgrade your PlayStation®4 system's Hard Disc Drive (HDD). Before you begin you need: Find your PS4 model number.

PS4: Upgrade HDD (UK)

This article explains how to upgrade your PlayStation®4 system's Hard Disc Drive (HDD). Before you begin you need: Find your PS4 model number.

Looking to upgrade HDD to an SSD for a used PS4 slim I am buying ...

The USB ports are 3.0 which allows you to get SATA 3 connection speeds using an external hard drive and get the full potential out of your SSD.

PS4 slim SSD Upgrade - Worth it? : rPS4

PS4 slim uses SATA 2 connectors, and bottlenecks ssd's to HDD levels right from the bat. PS4 PRO on the other hand uses SATA 3 so it can take ...

Installing a new hard drive in a PS4 Slim

Don't forget to like and subscribe! As a small creator, it helps a lot. PS4 Install File: ...

How to Upgrade Your PS4 Slim with a SSD Drive

In this video, I will show you how to replace your PlayStation 4 Slim hard drive with a fast SSD. You only need a new drive and a ...

How to Change PS4 Slim Hard Drive and Install System Software

So you've got a shiny new PS4 Slim and you wanna upgrade his HDD. Well my friend, you've come to the right place. I'm gonna show you how to ...


Placeyourreplacementharddriveorsolid-statedriveintothecaddy.Makesurethedriveisupsidewiththeconnector'sgoldenpinsfacinguplikeso.,TochangetheinstalllocationtoaexternalharddriveorUSBstorage,gotoSettings>StorageandhittheOptionsbutton.ThereyoucanselectAppInstall ...,UnscrewthefourscrewsholdingthedriveinplaceandreplaceitwithyourSSD.OnceyouhaveputyourSSDintotheconsole,closeitallupandplugitback ......